Illusions -
Vinyl: DWARF LIFT DWARF “The Pirates’ Who’s Who” -
Gulliver’s Sketchbook -
Active Threads -
A Long Time Short -
Something Between Us -
In the Spotlight of the Night -
Body in Pieces -
ars viva 2019 -
Catching the Light -
Affect Me.
Social Media Images in Art EN -
Contemporary Ruins -
Metamorphosis -
Less is a Bore.
Reflections on Memphis -
The Interior in Contemporary Art -
Spirit of Austria -
Broken Theories -
Broken Spaces -
Lost Paradise -
Collage Sculptures -
Backdoor Fantasies -
Thomas Zipp:Comparative Investigation about the Disposition of the Width of a Circle -
The Stubborn Life of Things -
Drawing a Universe -
Beyond the Surface -
Die Ethik der Kunstkritik -
Hidden Stories -
Reflexion und Einfühlung (Reflection and Empathy) -
Expanded Territory -
Mind the Gap -
Transformed Objects -
Das Nahe und das Ferne -
The Fate of Irony -
East Bound -
Die andere Seite -
Remote Memories -
Der müde Tod -
No Illusions
Catalogue accompanying the exhibitions
Frozen Mirrors, 2024/25
Bodies, Grids and Ecstasy, 2023/24
Phantoms and Other Illusions, 2023
216 Seiten, dt./engl., 165 x 220 mm, 120 predominantly colour illustrations
34 Euro, Hardcover
29,99 Euro, E-book
Isbn: 978-3-7757-5902-1
Vinyl: DWARF LIFT DWARF “The Pirates’ Who’s Who”
The artistic approach of Saâdane Afif (*1970 in Vendôme; lives and works in Berlin) is characterised by long-term, multi-faceted projects in which various independent works build on each other and are complexly interconnected to build on different levels of meaning. This also applies to The Pirates’ Who’s Who, whose beginnings date back to 2000. The starting point was a large, curved shelf, the Lovely Rita by designer Ron Arad (*1951 in Tel Aviv; lives and works in London) in which Afif presents a constantly expanding, impressive literary collection on the theme of pirates. The small library includes true stories and myths, deals with how new ones emerge from a narrative, how language, content and layers of meaning change — in the literature itself and within the shelf edition. The number of books in the six versions of the shelf increases at different rates — and one edition is considered an untraceable pirate‘s copy, the edition 0/6.
The lexical scale of the work was expanded in 2019 to include ten Lyrics, which Afif commissioned from artist, designer and musician friends such as Simon Denny, Ari Benjamin Meyersand Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster. The Lyrics that can be read on the columns of KAI 10 has been set into music by the experimental Belgian band Dwarf Lift Dwarf during the exhibition Pictured as a Poem and performed in the neighbouring Rudas Studios on November 13, 2021. A few days before, on November 6, 2021, the band performed with the Lyrics at the Grand Casino in Knokke, Belgium in context of Beaufort 21. Now, after the exhibition and the performance in Belgium, a record has been released on the artist label Lyrics Records in cooperation with the artist, KAI 10 and Beaufort 21.
Side A (duration 17:27)
1. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Matelotage) – 5:18
2. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Jolly Roger) – 3:30
3. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Parrot) – 3:51
4. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(no shinpo o togeta ka) – 4:48
Side B (duration 19:14)
5. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Mirror Characters Pursue Each Other) – 4:31
6. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(44 Kicks) – 1:37
7. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Lovely Rita) – 5:59
8. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Number of Downloads at the Date on Which Evidence Was Secured) – 3:52
9. The Pirates’ Who’s Who
(Imagine) – 3:15
Lyrics by
Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld (9.)
Rosa Barba (5.), Simon Denny (8.),
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (4.)
Timon & Melchior Grau (3.)
Lily Matras (7.)
Ari Benjamin Meyers (2.)
Adrien Missika (6.)
Louis-Philippe Scoufaras (1.)
All tracks composed and performed by Dwarf Lift Dwarf (William Lambeau and Valentin Noiret)
Recorded by Dwarf Lift Dwarf at Decoster, Bruxelles, 2021/2022
Mastering: Adrian Flück (Centraldubs), Bern, 2022
With the participation of Manon Sallé (voice) and Stéphane Clor (cello) on track (7.)
Limited edition of 300 copies
Producer: Saâdane Afif
Lyrics Records
Badstr. 19 – 13357 Berlin
© Saâdane Afif and Dwarf Lift Dwarf, 2022
Kindly supported by
Beaufort 21
30,- Euro plus shipping
Gulliver’s Sketchbook
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition GULLIVER’S SKETCHBOOK at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION, 2022
The catalogue Gulliver’s Sketchbook is published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name
in KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION (March–June 2022). Sixteen international artists explore the possibilities and contexts of drawing in the 21st century. The pen delves into microscopic worlds or maps the inside of the body, meticulously traces the surfaces of objects small and large, and even engages with the dimensions of the universe. A drawing can also record physical movement or call on digital technology. The publication includes thematic essays, is richly illustrated and features texts on all the artists.
Paperback, 148 pages, Ger. / Engl., 230 x 140 mm, 89 predominantly colour illustrations
24 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-941724-05-1
Active Threads
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition ACTIVE THREADS at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION, 2021
The international group exhibition Active Threads at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION inquires into the social and political relevance of textiles today. It explores how textile fabrics still function as extremely effective means of communication, even in our present digital era. Within this specific context, the exhibition touches upon geopolitical conflicts, latent and obvious postcolonial wounds and examples of civil protest, but also motifs drawn from fan culture. It thus becomes evident in just how many ways textiles can serve as catalysts of societal and cultural processes.
Published by VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna
Paperback, 144 pages, Ger. / Engl., 215 x 140 mm, 71 predominantly colour illustrations
24,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-903796-43-0
A Long Time Short
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition A LONG TIME SHORT at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION, 2020
Looking at the clock, time advances at a steady pace. Butalmost all our experiences of time contradict this linear construct. Accompanying the exhibition of the same name, the publication A Long Time Short introduces eight artists who deal with the complexity of societal time experiences in the present time. In our global and digital simultaneity, the collective perception of time varies from furiously fast to infinitely slow. Quite often, different speeds may even run parallel. In addition to texts on the works of the individual artists, in-depth essays discuss theoretical questions on the complex topic of time.
Published by Verlag Kettler, Dortmund
Paperback, 112 pages, Ger./Engl., 22,5 x 16,5 cm, 64 images in colour
24,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86206-844-9
Something Between Us
Catalogue accompanying the cooperation exhibtion Somethgin Between Us at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION and Kunsthalle Nürnberg, 2020/2021
The international group exhibition “Something Between Us” addresses the topic of the human being as a social animal, as “Zoon politikon”. It investigates the anthropological constants of interpersonal relationships, such as love, empathy, emotional security, caring and safety, on the one hand, and yet, on the other hand, there is hate, fixation on roles, dependency, reprimand and discrimination.
Texts by Ludwig Seyfarth, Harriet Zilch
Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst
Paperback, 112 pages, 22.5 x 16.5 cm, 73 ills. in color
Ed. Kunsthalle Nürnberg, KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION
26,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-903320-85-7
In the Spotlight of the Night
Catalogue accompanying the cooperation exhibtion In the Spotlight of the Night at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION and Marta Herford, 2019
At night, things can be said and done which would not be forgiven by day. Especially in an urban setting, a nocturnal life outside the norm is possible. As a result of technical modernization from the 19th century to the digital present, the night has been transformed into a venue of restless activity. Natural division into light and dark has increasingly given way to a multifarious life in the gloom. The shimmering protagonists of unbounded night are addressed in this exhibition catalogue, which employs a selection of historical and contemporary artworks as well as several essays to shed more light on this diverse theme.
Texts by Stefanie Stallschus, Jean-Marie Gallais, Julia Höner, Friederike Fast
Published by Wienand Verlag
144 pp., dt./engl., Broschur, numerous colour plates
Ed. Marta Herford gGmbH, KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION
24,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86832-557-7
Body in Pieces
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Body in Pieces at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION, 2019
The human body is a corporeal fabric that is interwoven with external interests, inner necessities and various demands of the self, while its boundaries have become porous in both a literal and an emblematic sense. Complemented by in-depth essays and a rich selection of images, the publication for the eponymous exhibition Body in Pieces introduces seven international artists exploring the numerous real fragmentations of the body and its conflict-laden present. In a body that has left behind all notions of isolation and completeness there also lies the crucial subversive potential enabling us to break with normative structures and outdated sexual stereotyping and role models. The artists and authors of this publication have been concerned with precisely these central ambivalences inherent in the contemporary image of the human being.
Texts by Cecilia Canziani, Amaleena Damlé, Marion Eisele, Julia Höner, Philipp Fernandes do Brito, Anna-Alexandra Pfau, Kerstin Schankweiler, Eva Scharrer
Published by Spector Books.
112 pp., dt./engl., Softcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION, Düsseldorf; Julia Höner
24,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 9783959051803
ars viva 2019
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion ars viva 2019 at KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION
Texts by Sabeth Buchmann, Elke Buhr, Julia Höner, Georg Imdahl, Pablo Larios, Sarah Merten, Nicolaus Schafhausen
Published by Kerber Verlag.
140 pp., g./engl., Softcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V., 2018
35,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-7356-0498-9
Catching the Light
Astrid Busch, Clemens Fürtler, Eberhard Havekost, Anne Kaminsky, Mischa Kuball, Nadia Lichtig, Ursula Ott, James Turrell, Corinne Wasmuht
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Catching the Light in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Text by Ludwig Seyfarth
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
Isbn: 978-3-941724-04-4
Affect Me.
Social Media Images in Art EN
Lara Baladi, Irene Chabr, Forensic Architecture, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Thomas Hirschhorn, Randa Maroufi, Rabih Mroué, Thomas Ruff, D. H. Saur
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Affect Me. Social Media Images in Art in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
With texts by Ernst van Alphen, Marion Eisele, Julia Höner, Linda Huke, Tasja Langenbach, Katja Müller-Helle, Kerstin Schankweiler, Stefanie Stallschus, Verena Straub, Tobias Wendl.
Published by Spector Books.
192 pp., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed.. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf; Sonderforschungsbereich 1171 Affective Societies, Freie Universität Berlin; Julia Höner; Kerstin Schankweiler, 2017
24,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-95905-190-3
Contemporary Ruins
Dorothee Albrecht, Morehshin Allahyari, Francis Alÿs, Katya Gardea Browne, Clemens Botho Goldbach, Arata Isozaki, Gordon Matta-Clark, Ryuji Miyamoto, Marike Schuurman, Manit Sriwanichpoom
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Contemporary Ruins in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by KERBER Verlag:
With texts by Michel Blancsubé, Thomas Burlon, Cecilia Canziani, Brian Dillon, Andreas Fiedler, Julia Höner, Julia Schleis, Sabine Maria Schmidt, Julia Gwendolyn Schneider, Monika Schnetkamp, Ludwig Seyfart.
104 pp., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf and KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin, 2017
20,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-7356-0415-6
Habima Fuchs, Thomas Helbig, Renaud Jerez, Kris Lemsalu, Mary-Audrey Ramirez
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Metamorphosis in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by DISTANZ
With texts by Zdenek Felix, Dominikus Müller and Cora Waschke
88 pp., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf, 2017
24,90 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-95476-192-0
Less is a Bore.
Reflections on Memphis
Raymond Barion, Martine Bedin, Eva Berendes, Barbara Kasten, Graham Little, Michele de Lucchi, Alessandro Mendini, Tobias Rehberger, Peter Shire, Ettore Sottsass, Matteo Thun
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Less is a Bore. Reflections on Memphis in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by Spector Books
With texts by Julia Höner, Tido von Oppeln and Oliver Tepel
144 pp., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf, 2017
24,00 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-95905-129-3
The Interior in Contemporary Art
Laurenz Berges, Franz Burkhardt, Francisca Gómez, Patricia Lambertus, Zilla Leutenegger, Marjetica Potrč, Jörg Sasse, Gregor Schneider, Marcus Schwier, Taryn Simon, Erik Steinbrecher, Susa Templin und Claudia Wieser
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Homebase.The Interior in Contemporary Art in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by Kerber Verlag
With texts by Marion Eisele, Susanne Kalf-Muhtaroglu, Julia Schleis, Daniel Schreiber, Ludwig Seyfarth, Elena Zanichelli, Harriet Zilch
207 pp., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf and Kunsthalle Nürnberg im KunstKulturQuartier, 2015
29,90 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-7356-0149-0
Spirit of Austria
Gelatin, Fran Graf, Markus Schinwald
Catalogue accompanying the exhibtion Spirit of Austria in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by DISTANZ
With texts by Robert Fleck and Zdenek Felix
73 pp., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf, Monika Schnetkamp & Zdenek Felix, 2016
24,90 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-95476-130-2
Broken Theories
HERAUSGEBER: KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2015
Kolja Reichert, Kritiker
Marion Ritter, Herausgeberin von artblog-cologne
Antje Stahl, Kritikerin
Timotheus Vermeulen, Philosoph, Kritiker
Diese Publikation ist erschienen anlässlich der Veranstaltung:
KUNSTKRITIK LABOR 2: BROKEN THEORIES, 13.–14. Juni und 04.– 05. Juli 2015
Broken Spaces
Christiane Feser, Benjamin Houlihan, Harald Klingelhöller, Charlotte Posenenske, Christine Rusche, Tatiana Trouvé
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition Broken Spaces in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by Kerber Verlag
With texts by Marion Eisele, Julia Schleis und Ludwig Seyfarth
80 p., g./engl., Softcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2015
24,00 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-7356-0122-3
Lost Paradise
Mark Dion, Stefan Panhans, Andreas Schulze, Marta Volkova & Slava Shevelenko, David Zink Yi
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition Lost Paradise in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by Kerber Verlag
With texts by Zdenek Felix, Ludwig Seyfarth and Cora Waschke
80 p., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2015
26,00 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-7356-0062-2
Collage Sculptures
Isa Genzken, Rachel Harrison, Manfred Pernice
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition Collage Sculptures in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation
Published by Kerber Verlag
with texts by Zdenek Felix and Cora Waschke
74 p., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2014
30,00 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-7356-0034-9
Backdoor Fantasies
Michael Beutler, Jean-Pascal Flavien, Ludger Gerdes, Jan Hoeft, Anna K.E., Isa Melsheimer, Aernout Mik, Hans Peter Reuter, Tata Ronkholz, Katja Strunz, Günter Weseler, Christof Zwiener
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition Backdoor Fantasies in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation und in external exhibition spaces in the Media harbour Dusseldorf
Partner of the Quadriennale Düsseldorf 2014
with texts by Marion Eisele, Julia Höner, Julia Schleis und Ludwig Seyfarth.
48 p., g./engl., Softcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2014
2,00 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-941724-03-7
Thomas Zipp:Comparative Investigation about the Disposition of the Width of a Circle
Collateral Event of the 55. International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia
Published by Kerber Verlag
with texts by Veit Loers und Zdenek Felix.
96 p., g./engl., Hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2014
35,00 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-906-7
The Stubborn Life of Things
Bettina Buck, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Romuald Hazoumè, Sofia Hultén, Monika Stricker, Haegue Yang
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition The Stubborn Life of Things in KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber
with texts by Julia Höner, Kerstin Schankweiler und Stefanie Stallschus as well as a contribution by artist Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez.
80 S., dt./engl., Softcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Arthena Foundation, 2013
22,50 Euro plus shipping
sold out
Isbn: 978-3-86678-848-0
Drawing a Universe
William Engelen, Bettina Krieg, Jenny Michel, Anke Röhrscheid, Nora Schattauer, David Thorpe, Jorinde Voigt
Catalogue accompanying the exhibition Drawing a Universe in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
published by Kerber Verlag
with texts by Ludwig Seyfarth, Ursula Panhans-Bühler and Lisa Sintermann
80 S., dt./engl., Softcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2013
25 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-800-8
Beyond the Surface
Nevin Aladag, Carola Ernst, Gregor Hildebrandt, Anne Neukamp, Stefan Pfeiffer, Ekrem Yalcindag
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition BEYOND THE SURFACE in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Published by Kettler Verlag
With texts by Ludwig Seyfarthand Thomas Hoppe
72 pp., German/English, Softcover, numerous colour plates
18 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86206-210-2
Die Ethik der Kunstkritik
HERAUSGEBER: KAI 10 | Raum fur Kunst der Arthena Foundation
REFERENTEN: Jörg Heiser, Niklas Maak, Astrid Mania, Jörg Scheller
AUTOREN: Jörg Heiser, Niklas Maak, Astrid Mania, Jörg Scheller, Noemi Smolik, Sarah Alberti, Charlotte Lindenberg, Britta Peters, Andreas Prinzing, Michael Stockhausen
Diese Publikation ist erschienen anlässlich der Veranstaltung:
KUNSTKRITIK LABOR, 1. - 2. und 22. - 23. Juni 2012
Hidden Stories
Armin Boehm, Olaf Breuning, Nigel Cooke, Mike Kelley
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Hidden Stories in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
With texts about the artists' works by Zdenek Felix, Julia Höner, Ludwig Seyfarth
80 pp., German/English, Hardcover, numerous colour plates
ED. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2012
20 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-740-7
Reflexion und Einfühlung (Reflection and Empathy)
Natalie Czech, Alexandra Hopf, Nashashibi/Skaer, Olivia Plender, Laure Prouvost, Lucy Skaer, Jens Ullrich
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Reflexion und Einfühlung in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
With an introduction by Julia Höner as well as interviews between Natalie Czech and Vanessa Joan Müller, Alexandra Hopf and Annabelle von Girsewald, Rosalind Nashashibi / Lucy Skaer and Jonas Žakaitis, Olivia Plender and Felix Vogel, Laure Prouvost and Gareth Bell-Jones, Jens Ullrich and Julia Höner
88 pp., German/English, Softcover, numerous b/w plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2012
19,95 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-672-1
Expanded Territory
Agnieszka Brzeżańska, Giulio Frigo, Eva Koťátková, Aïda Ruilova
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Expanded Territory in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
With texts by Zdenek Felix, Julia Höner, Julia Schleis, Thomas Wulffen
72 p., German/English, hardcover, numerous colour plates
ED. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2011
19,95 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-554-0
Mind the Gap
Andy Hope 1930, Berthold Reiß, Alexander Wolff, Barbara Wüllenweber
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Mind the Gab in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Texts by Zdenek Felix, Julia Höner, Ben Kaufmann, Berthold Reiß, Julia Schleis
60 p., German/English., Softcover, numerous plates, black and white
ED. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2011
12,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-941724-02-0
Transformed Objects
John Bock, Jürgen Drescher, Rachel Harrison, Alicja Kwade, Thomas Rentmeister, Margret Wibmer
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Transformed Objects in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
With texts by Zdenek Felix and Ludwig Seyfarth
80 p., German/English, hard cover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2011
19,95 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-534-2
Das Nahe und das Ferne
Kathrin Ahlt, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Rémy Markowitsch, Sandra Vásquez de la Horra
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Das Nahe und das Ferne in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Texts by Zdenek Felix, Julia Höner, Susanne Kalf-Muhtaroglu and Antje Weitzel
32 p. German/English, soft cover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ 2010
10,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-941724-01-3
The Fate of Irony
Guillaume Bijl, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Werner Büttner, Daniela Comani, Marcel Dzama, Christian Jankowski, Markus Karstieß, Martin Kippenberger, Julia Kissina, Peter Jap Lim, Roman Ondák, Julia Oschatz, Peter Piller, Ming Wong
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition The Fate of Irony in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
Texts by Zdenek Felix Jörg Heiser, Sarah Khan, Ursula Panhans-Bühler, Ludwig Seyfarth, Olav Westphalen and Gregory Williams
128 p., German / English, hardcover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ 2010
27,80 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-429-1
East Bound
Goshka Macuga, Ján Mančuška, Markéta Othová, Anna Parkina, Pavel Pepperstein
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition East Bound in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
Texts by Zdenek Felix and Noemi Smolik
56 p.‚ German / English, soft cover, numerous color plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ 2010
17,90 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-404-8
Die andere Seite
Michael Bauer, James Ensor, Erwin Kneihsl, Alfred Kubin, Thomas Zipp
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Die andere Seite in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
Texts by Zdenek Felix, Susanne Kalf and Arne Reimann
56 p.‚ German/English‚ hard cover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ 2010
17,90 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-407-9
Remote Memories
Steven Claydon, Thea Djordjadze, Hansjoerg Dobliar, David Noonan, Bernd Ribbeck
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Remote Memories in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ Düsseldorf
Published by Kerber Verlag
Texts by Zdenek Felix and Julia Höner
72 p.‚ German/English‚ hard cover, numerous colour plates with pages designed by the artists
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ 2009
19,95 Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-86678-339-3
Der müde Tod
Andrew Gilbert‚ Bernhard Lehner‚ Markus Selg‚ Astrid Sourkova‚ Dominic Wood
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition Der müde Tod in KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ Düsseldorf
Text by Zdenek Felix
56 p.‚ German/English‚ soft cover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst‚ 2009
18‚- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-941724-00-6
No Illusions
Björn Dahlem, Thomas Helbig Manfred Pernice, Marjetica Potrč, Franz West, Heimo Zobernig
Catalogue to accompany the exhibition No Illusions in KAI 10 KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, Düsseldorf
Texts by Zdenek Felix and Julia Höner
44 p., German/English, soft cover, numerous colour plates
Ed. KAI 10 | Raum für Kunst, 2008
10,- Euro plus shipping
Isbn: 978-3-00-026512-9