East Bound
Goshka Macuga, Ján Mančuška, Markéta Othová, Anna Parkina, Pavel Pepperstein
January 23 to March 27, 2010
Curator: Zdenek Felix
East Bound: This exhibition takes its title from London’s Circle Line, the underground line that circles the city center in two directions: eastbound and westbound.
For East Bound, KAI 10 | ARTHENA FOUNDATION invited young artists from Eastern Europe, who either live and work in the west, or commute between east and west—in other words, artists who no longer permanently reside in their countries of origin. All have incorporated their change of location into their artistic strategies. After 1989, political circumstances ceased to be a deciding factor in this flux. Today, artists from Eastern Europe are interested in exploring the art made by their colleagues from the west, as well as in gaining access to western art history, from which they were excluded during their decades of living in the east.
Moving to a different place requires courage and the willingness to take risks. East Bound shows how the participating artists from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, and Ukraine have not only found their own way, but have also contributed considerably toward bridging the gap between the cultural identities of east and west. At the same time, they pose questions about the aesthetic and intellectual potential of their countries of origin, which they convey through their work in the “other,” western context.
East Bound is not a thematic exhibition; it features five different artists who articulate their positions in a variety of media: drawing, painting, photography, installation, and film. Conceptual Art connects these positions, while function and content are adjusted to the goals of each individual artist.
Media partner:

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Exhibition views
Accompanying program
, 7:30 pm
Film screening
White Time, Anna Parkina, 2008, 9 Minuten
Winners and Witness, Anna Parkina, 2008, 5 Minuten
Der Mann mit der Kamera, Regie: Dziga Vertov, UdSSR, 1929, 67 Minuten
, 7:30 pm
Panel discussion
Adam Szymczyk, director Kunsthalle Basel, Noemi Smolik, author and art critic, Zdenek Felix, curator
, 11 am
with a Polish accent and with a tour guided by the curator